All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Salvation Episodes

Oct. 10, 2009

A Man Questions The Act Of Salvation – and he is also a Yankees fan!

Listen to a conversation between a man who questions the act of Salvation and the “That’s In The Bible?” Pastor's. Is just saying a prayer to be saved enough? If you do say a prayer will you then “feel” Saved? What does salv…
Aug. 29, 2009

Was Jesus Christ Really God?

Who did others say Jesus was? What did he actually say about himself? Did he actually say in the Bible that he was God or the Messiah? Follow along with us as we answer these questions from the Old and New Testament. Website…
July 10, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be Saved?

You have heard the term “saved” before but is it something found in the Bible? Saved from what? What does it mean? What does the Bible say about needing to be saved and how is it really done?
June 19, 2009

Is Water Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

Do you have to be baptized in water to go to Heaven? What does the Bible really say? What is baptism for? Did one of the malefactors on the cross with Jesus go to Heaven without being baptized in water? What is the Biblical …
Jan. 26, 2009

Why Good People Don’t Go To Heaven

How do you get to heaven? How can you say good people don't go to Heaven?! Isn't it by being as good as you can be and then hoping that your good deeds will outweigh your bad? Find out what the Bible says you must do to get …
Guest: Eric Sutton